Each Child and Family is Unique

We commit to appreciating the unique individual characteristics of each child and his/her family. It is our hope to help our patients and families make the best healthcare decisions. We realize that no patients are exactly alike and each medical decision should be considered in that light.

Children and Families are our Partners in the Process of Healthcare

We firmly believe that an optimal healthcare team includes all of us (administration, receptionists, nurses, physicians) but it is complete only when the patient and family participate. It is our commitment to educate our patients and families to become active participants who are able to help direct the right decisions for their health.

Continuity in the Child/Family - Health Team Relationship

We are committed to continuity - an "old fashioned" model in which the physician and staff are dedicated and available to help their patients on a continuous basis. Ideally, a physician, child, and family would enjoy a relationship that lasts from birth to/through college. We feel a higher sense of professional satisfaction and believe a relationship of continuity provides better communication and quality of care to the patient. Our goal if for individual doctors to take care of their own patients, realizing that there may be times (vacations, non-call weekends) where their partners may need to provide care for their patients.  We respect each patient’s and families’ choice of continuity provider.  Each physician is available after hours to assist their patients if problems arise that are urgent.

Commitment to Physical and Emotional Health

We are interested in all aspects of children's health - physical, nutritional and emotional. While most children remain physically well, it is important to be attentive to areas that influence their emotional health. Family relationships, developmental and behavioral problems, educational achievements, social interactions, and influences of media on children are only a few examples of areas with significant impact on a child's overall health.

Appropriate Use of Drugs and other Interventions

The aggressive marketing of the pharmaceutical industry suggest there is a drug treatment for all health problems. While that may be true 100 years from now, we feel it is not true today. We will spend time and energy educating our patients and families about their problems and treatment options. Our goals are to advise you on the appropriate use of drugs and other interventions. While claims are often made that a certain treatment provides benefits (and all good parents want to help their children get well), we will maintain scientific principle and evidence before suggesting drugs and other interventions in your child's health.


Immunizations practices to prevent infectious diseases in children represent one of the medical miracles of the 20th century. We hope the 21st century will bring new preventive strategies so that children will be protected from contagious illness. We strongly support the scientific development and use of vaccines. We are aware of the anecdotal claims of harm from immunizations and realize the difficulty that conflicting information creates for families making healthcare decisions. We will continue to base our recommendations on the scientific proof of national and international experts.


If the unusual situation of hospitalization is necessary, we will help select the appropriate hospital, consultants to help us manage the problems as needed and be available daily to care for our patients.  In most situations, we will continue to directly manage care to maintain continuity.


Primary Care Pediatricians maintain a broad knowledge of the problems that face children and families. We know there are healthcare complications that need the participation of a specialist in some areas of pediatric health. We want to help locate the best specialists in our community to assist us in pediatric care.