Prior to your surgery, please follow these instructions:

  • Two weeks prior to surgery:stop all blood thinning medications such as Aspirin, Elmiron, Ibuprofen, Aleve, and Vitamin E.  Please notify our office if you are on Coumadin (warfarin), Heparin, or Plavix so we can coordinate with your physician
  • The day before surgery:eat only clear liquids including sodas, broth, Jello-O and tea.  Do not drink anything red.
  • The night before surgery:start pre-operative bowel prep and do not drink anything after midnight.

Post-Operative Instructions

There is a possibility you will go home from the hospital with a catheter in place.  Please make an appointment one week after your surgery for catheter removal and a voiding trial.

After surgery, DO:

  • Walk to aid healing and bowel movements
  • Prevent constipation with walking, Colace, fiber and water
  • Take an anti-inflammatory such as Mobic, Motrin, or Celebrex for 2 weeks after your surgery even if you are not taking narcotic pain medication

After surgery, do NOT:

  • Lift greater than 5 pounds (equivalent to 1/2 gallon of milk)
  • Push, pull, tug or bend
  • Climb stairs more than once a day. If you must use stairs, walk slowly and deliberately
  • Take baths or have sexual intercourse for 4 weeks
  • Put anything in the vagina for 6 weeks (including sexual intercourse)
  • Drive for two weeks and while you are on pain medication

Call our office if:

  • You need to go the ER for any reason after surgery
  • You are saturating a thick maxi pad every hour or more frequently. Post-op vaginal bleeding is normal and may occur for up to 6 weeks but this volume needs our attention
  • You develop a brown or green, watery, odorous discharge